When someone refers to the word laboratory, we immediately think of particular equipment that facilitate lab personnel to do their experiments and research. But, what we don’t realize is that laboratory also consists of furniture specially designed for it. Laboratory furniture is designed and manufactured to withstand rigors of lab and enable scientists to work and store materials easily. The type of furniture and size varies greatly depending upon the lab and its objective. Different types of lab furniture include: laboratory benches and stools, cabinets, fume hoods, apparel dispensers, etc.

Purchasing furniture for laboratory involves careful consideration of the kind of experiments that will be carried on. Before setting up a lab, requirements of the people working in the lab and chemicals involved must be considered. Attention should be paid to ascertain that the laboratory furniture one buys offer maximum functionality and safety.

Laboratory Furniture
Work station is one item of lab furniture that is required in every laboratory. They are available in an array of different styles and dimensions. A work station offers a wide surface area for lab personnel to conduct experiments without any hassle. However, it is essential to consider and evaluate the material of work station before making a purchase. An ideal material for a work station should be both fire and chemical resistant. A work station is very useful for working with scientific instruments as well as for storing chemicals.

Fume hoods For industrial and research based laboratories, fume hoods are also important piece of lab furniture. A fume hood is imperative to protect lab personnel from many dangers to which they are exposed to in a lab. Many materials used while conducting a research can emit hazardous fumes and vapors. Hence, installing a fume hood in a lab can shield lab workers from serious injury. Fume hoods can be manufactured from different materials although modern day fume hoods are made from epoxy as it is heat and chemical retardant.

A care should be taken that these hoods must not be used as storage space. The airflow is greatly reduced by jars or boxes and it is possible that any spark in the fume hood can spread to flammable materials.

You may buy laboratory furniture from furniture store nearby or from an online portal, but, ensure that the furniture is modern enough to withstand the rigors of today’s research and it is not broken.

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